“Welcome Back, Chicago. I’m Listening.”
Who’s in and who’s out in the upcoming Frasier reboot?
What do we know about the Frasier reboot?
The good doctor is back! Or, at least, will be so soon. The loveably pompous radio psychiatrist is getting his own reboot. Frasier was, of course, a spinoff of Cheers - and a massively successful one, at that. While few details have been released, those that have been are telling of what direction this next installment will take.
First: Location. The original iteration of Frasier was set in Seattle, and that city was almost as much of a character as the leads. The same is true of Boston in Cheers. This time around? We’re in Chicago. You might remember the Frasier series finale ending with him touching down there in an attempt to keep his blooming romance with Charlotte alive. As Frasier is, on a fundamental level, a show about a man desperately seeking acceptance and love, it’s safe to assume that things didn’t pan out with that endeavor. Moreover, the actress who played Charlotte, Laura Linney, is not in negotiations to join the reboot. So, we can expect Dr. Crane to still be trying to balm his existential wounds by being in the arms of another.
What career does he have now? In Boston, he was a psychiatrist in private practice. In Seattle, he was a radio shrink. What does Chicago have in store for him? No details have emerged, other than that he finds himself wealthier beyond his wildest dreams. I think it’s safe to assume he will be in a different line of work. He was always drawn towards being on the screen, so him having his own show seems like a distinct possibility.
One detail that will serve as comedic gold and will be rich in conflict is what was revealed about Frasier’s son, Frederick—he will take more after Martin. Frasier’s dad, you will remember, was a beer-swilling everyman that had a grisly career in law enforcement. If I were a betting man, and I am, I’d wager that Frederick has the intellect of Frasier but works in a somewhat gruesome line of work - something along the lines of a forensic pathologist. Even more of a foil for Frasier will be that his son is able to do the one thing that he’s never been able to: form meaningful and genuine connections with the average person. Trevor Einhorn, who plays Frederick, has proven his acting chops in The Magicians, so it will be a treat to see the interactions between father and son.
A witty man with a skullet is a combination that sophisticated middle-aged
What about the other cast members? At one time, all of the core cast was in negotiations to join the reboot, with the notable exception of the late John Mahoney. It was a serious blow when David Hyde-Pierce, who played Niles, announced that he would not be taking part in it. It is almost impossible to imagine Frasier existing without Niles. It gets even messier if Jane Levees, who plays Daphne, does decide to hop on board, as they would have to explain why she and Niles are no longer married.
Who are the writers at the helm of this project? Chris Harris (How I Met Your Mother) and Joe Cristalli (Maggie) are the only ones behind the wheel, at this point. One can only hope that they preserve the integrity of this show that was so rich in character, humor, and story. And, maybe bring a newbie writer aboard? Pssst, over here!
Frasier is still regarded as one of the most successful spin offs of all time. Never before had high-brow and low-brow humor been melded together in such exquisite fashion. The reboot is a bold move, as the Frasier series finale is considered among the best in sitcom history. In his radio sign-off in that last episode, Frasier told his audience: “For eleven years, you have heard me say ‘I’m listening;’ well you were listening too, and for that, I am eternally grateful.” I will certainly be listening and watching, rooting for my favorite sitcom character to thrive in Chicago.