Top Five GOATED: Movies (Midlife Edition)
A list that no one asked for, but I wrote it anyway.

Something Isn’t Right
Despite all the supposed drama that took place behind the scenes of Don’t Worry Darling, the drama on screen is the one that people should pay attention to.

Standard Issue: Detectives
The "buddy cop" standard, the unlikely partners, the yin-yang approaches to police work, and the brilliant young mind that tangoes with the genius serial killer.

The Death of the Female Hero: Rey Palpatine vs. Clarice Starling
The heroine never needs to be stronger than the villain; she just needs to win.

A Mother’s Revenge: Why Did You Kill Me?
Usually, when someone gets catfished, it’s not by the person they murdered.

Mother, Tell Your Children Not to Walk My Way
A terrifying cinematic experience that leaves you wondering, “Why haven’t people learned not to go into a creepy basement?”

Don’t Offer to Help: In the Tall Grass
If you hear someone calling out for help in an area you can’t see, just walk away.

The Val We Never Knew
For my entire life, up until I watched the documentary, he was just some actor I had seen in a handful of films that I liked.