A Quick Hit: Pulp Fiction 30th Anniversary
Quentin Tarantino’s stylistic gangster movie is a timeless classic.

Fight Club: 25 Years of Mayhem & Soap
Quit calling it a “cult” classic and give this flick its flowers.

Dude is Kind of Crazy: Mrs. Doubtfire at 30
What once seemed like wholesome fun is now a 10 on the creeper scale.

They Couldn’t Wait But Maybe Should Have
Can’t Hardly Wait revolves around a huge party for recent high school grads, but what they’re waiting for isn’t what they get.

25 Years of Fear and Loathing
One of the last great films of the 1990’s, as introspective as it is debilitating.

The Dude Abides
The Big Lebowski might've been asleep at the wheel in 1998, but it's become a cult-classic phenomenon since then.

Dark City: 25th Anniversary
Alex Proyas’ follow up to The Crow failed at the box office, but it’s an underrated sci-fi gem.

The Bodyguard: Bland, Baby
There’s a reason why Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston made such a popular movie, but I just can’t seem to figure out why.

Home for the Holidays: Fun Family Dysfunction
Nothing says Thanksgiving dinner like turkey, mashed potatoes, and family dysfunction.

So Obvious It Hurts
There are a lot of movies that don’t age well, and Single White Female is one of them.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day
This superior sequel proves the cold titanium T-800 has a heart.