Street Philosophy
AGS Fantasy Football 2023 Week 7.
To be feared…
Sonny’s wisdom applies to fantasy football as much as it does to organized crime. In fantasy footbal, you want to be feared. You want your opponents in the league to lose sleep over you. You want them to hate the weekend they have to play you. You want them to know that any point they score against you won’t be easy, and every point you hit them with is going to hurt like Hell.
In Any Given Sunday, The Curse is going balls to the wall in his quest for his third league title while seven other teams in the hunt seek their second championship, and good ol’ Rudy’s Replacements chases his first taste of glory. The rest of us are truly the last of us—reanimated corpses, infected, disgusting. With so many good teams in the league, with so many players out because of injuries and bye weeks, with Halloween right around the corner, maybe those of us whose seasons are dead and rotten can spoil a week and poison a season for the teams in the playoff race.
Week 7 is a big one for fantasy footballers. It’s the “turn” in the season. We’re halfway home. The games become much more serious. Each loss weighs heavy on your soul, and chat threads on messaging apps boil over with tension as age-old feuds surface to derail lifelong friendships. Shit gets real.
This is Any Given Sunday. Welcome to the podcast.