A Quick Hit: SOAD 25 Years
The self-titled debut album from L.A.’s premiere All-Armenian rock band still rips.

Hop-Heavy: TO ØI Brewery and TOOL
A multi-dimensional beer meets a multi-dimensional band.

Hop-Heavy: “Voodoo Ranger” Links Up With “Voodoo Child”
New Belgium Brewing's "Voodoo Ranger" and Jimi Hendrix's "Voodoo Child" are a perfect match.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Grunge to Glitz
The band’s evolution in sound can also be seen in their music videos.

Born to Rage Against Them
The incredible force and raw power of ‘Rage Against The Machine’ redefined political activism and rock ‘n roll.

Standard Issue: Punk, Vol. 1
Punk rock is hard to define, but this list captures its progression from crude inception to widespread domination.

Siamese Dream: The Kickstart to My Love Affair
One of my most faithful lovers, my friend who holds all my teenage secrets, my longing for year’s past.

25 Years Later: Evil Empire
Evil Empire, twenty-five years later, is still ferocious, flashing the same teeth and charging forward with the same energy as its predecessor.